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The Brainy Business | Understanding the Psychology of Why People Buy | Behavioral Economics

Jul 5, 2019

Welcome to season two of The Brainy Business. This episode is a special anniversary episode celebrating the first year of the podcast. I can’t believe it has been a full year already. Year one brought us 54 episodes with over 60,000 downloads in 133 countries around the world. So  much has happened this year. I’ve made amazing connections to listeners in person and on social media. I’ve had conversations with academics, students, business owners, and marketers. I also launched my column on

Today, I’m going to share the top ten episodes by downloads, some of your favorites – with clips from the audiograms you submitted, and a few of my favorite episodes – including which ones I share the most. I will also give some looks behind the scenes, with the top questions I get asked, the funniest thing people say to me now (that I had never heard before becoming a podcaster), my favorite books, and more.


Show Notes:

  • [05:43] An audio clip featuring Nikki Rausch of Sales Maven.
  • [06:06] The Business Bros are early adopters and find this podcast instrumental in their marketing.
  • [08:59] I share the top 10 podcasts based on your downloads.
  • [09:40] A message from Maureen about episode 43 and how she benefited from a discovery call and then working together. 
  • [13:15] Number 9 on the countdown was episode 42: A Behavioral Economics Analysi of Apple Card.
  • [14:54] Episode 32 was one of my favorite episodes, and it includes the chocolate cake study. This one is about The Overwhelmed Brain, and I play a quick clip from Debby. This was also the first episode where I referenced the Texas A & M Human Behavior Lab.
  • [19:27] Episode 3 about lead magnets was number 7. This was based on a popular video I did before the podcast launched.
  • [21:03] Episode 47: The Behavioral Analysis of Costco was number 6. I have some more fun business analysis shows coming up.
  • [23:16] Episode 35, which was The Introduction to Choice Architecture and Nudging. This episode is where I first started using my air conditioner example. This is a really intricate and complex topic. It's critical for any business to understand the complexity of choice.
  • [27:03] Episode 45: An Overview of Personal Biases was the fourth most downloaded episode. I was a bit nervous launching into this rapid fire series. 
  • [29:10] Number 3 was episode 5: The Truth About Pricing. I also play a quick clip by Kadra who I was fortunate enough to work with.
  • [32:47] The second most downloaded episode of all time is episode 2. This episode was the Top 5 Wording Mistakes That Businesses Make. Because of this episode I am now associated with cotton candy grapes.
  • [34:40] Number 1 is also Episode 1: Unlocking the Secrets of the Brain. I write out full scripts for my podcast. I discovered this was the best way to work after episode 1 and 2 had to be recorded multiple times each. 
  • [37:38] Episode 11: Anchoring and Adjustment was also really popular. This is the episode with the story about the 38% increase of sales in Snickers.
  • [38:48] Episode 23: Reciprocity and Episode 31 on Mirror Neurons were also popular with listeners. I got to talk about Sheldon Cooper and the Big Bang Theory in episode 23 (which I love). Mirror neurons are so fascinating and one of my favorite topics.
  • [41:39] Kelly Ferguson, of Ferguson Avenue Photography said via Facebook that episode 8, What is Value? is her favorite. It was so much fun to come up with examples of what creates real value. 
  • [42:48] An episode I recommend  often is episode 16 on Framing. I also recommend episode 19 on Herding and episode 17 The Power of Numbers. 
  • [44:00] I also loved talking about Time Discounting and my interview with Texas A & M. My online strategy session was also a favorite. 
  • [44:53] I also loved the episode on Booms, Bubbles and Busts because it was really fun to talk about tulips and Beanie Babies.
  • [45:13] The last episode I want to talk about is episode 9 which was my very first foundations episode on Loss Aversion. I was concerned the foundations episodes would come across as too academic, but people loved them.
  • [47:40] Where we hang out: A lot of people listen to the podcast on their commute or while walking their dogs. Some listen at the gym. One listener even listened while running a marathon. I'd love to hear where we hang out.
  • [52:06] My rapid fire book recommendations with links below.
  • [55:05] A quick shout out to the team at Pro Podcast Solutions. 
  • [55:20] I record my episodes with a USB microphone in my home office. 
  • [56:06] Brain is a custom creation made from a model. I added a little purple paint and we have Brain. 
  • [57:02] Thanks again for making this year beyond what I could have imagined. 

Thanks for listening. Don’t forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Android. If you like what you heard, please leave a review on iTunes and share what you liked about the show. 

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