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The Brainy Business | Understanding the Psychology of Why People Buy | Behavioral Economics

Jul 31, 2023

Understanding cognitive biases can inform marketing and advertising strategies in businesses. Availability bias causes individuals to rely on immediate information, which is easily accessible, instead of thorough research. If it comes to mind easily, we think it is more true or likely than if it doesn't come to mind as...

Jul 27, 2023

Dr. Vanessa Patrick, a respected marketing professor at the University of Houston's Bauer College of Business, is revered for her notable research on the psychology of saying no. This research acts as the foundation of her book, The Power of Saying No. The seemingly simple act can be a strenuous inner struggle, but...

Jul 24, 2023

Dr. Zoe Chance emphasizes the importance of examining problems from different perspectives and setting long-term goals for success. Approaching problem-solving differently can result in innovative solutions that others might overlook. By aligning these objectives with Zoe's "magic question," individuals can foster...

Jul 20, 2023

Mentorship is a critical component of personal and professional growth. A supportive mentor enables mentees to develop critical skills, make better decisions, and achieve their goals faster by providing guidance, perspective, and encouragement along their journey. Furthermore, mentors benefit by expanding their network,...

Jul 17, 2023

Self-doubt can be a significant barrier to success in business, holding individuals back from pursuing opportunities or capitalizing on their strengths. Overcoming self-doubt requires anyone in business (especially entrepreneurs) to develop a positive mindset, embrace their expertise, and trust their instincts...