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The Brainy Business | Understanding the Psychology of Why People Buy | Behavioral Economics

Mar 29, 2019

This is the end of our series on nudges and choice architecture – we started with an introduction to the concept in episode 35 and have worked our way through all the aspects of the NUDGES acronym: incentives, understanding mapping, defaults, giving feedback, expecting error and now wrapping it up with structuring...

Mar 22, 2019

We are getting close to wrapping up our series on NUDGES today – and if you have been following along each week you know we went a little out of order and did the E in nudges last week – expecting error, and are now coming back to G for giving feedback.

This combines with incentives, understanding mapping and...

Mar 15, 2019

This behavioral economics podcast is another foundations episode where we discuss the E in NUDGES: expect error. I think this might be my favorite of all the types of nudges. This is really the reason we need nudges at all – and why choice architecture even exists. Choice architecture takes a lot of time, effort and...

Mar 8, 2019

This week marks the halfway point in our episodes on the types of NUDGES. We have already covered incentives and understanding mapping. Today, is all about defaults within choice architecture. When you think about choice and defaults, you may think it only applies when there is a preselected option on a list, but this...

Mar 1, 2019

Last week, I kicked off the different types of nudges and how they apply to choice architecture with incentives. The word NUDGES is an acronym for the categories of nudging, and we are breaking those down episode by episode over six weeks to showcase different aspects of choice architecture and nudging.

Now that we...