Dec 28, 2018
This behavioral economics podcast episode is the final installment of my series on the five senses. We’ve already talked about sight, smell, taste and hearing. Today, we dig into the sense of touch. Touch is one of the topics that I’m the most excited to share with you. Touch is directly connected to buying behavior...
Dec 21, 2018
We have already covered the sense of sight, smell, and taste. Today’s behavioral economics podcast is all about the sense of hearing and sound. As a vocalist, avid music lover and podcaster, sound and the sense of hearing is very near and dear my heart. I talk about the basics of hearing and how the brain...
Dec 14, 2018
Today marks the halfway point in our series on the five senses – we have already talked about sight and smell…and today we are digging into taste. Smell and taste are closely linked so be sure and listen to last week's episode about the sense of smell. Both taste and smell use chemical receptors to the brain, and...
Dec 7, 2018
This behavioral economics podcast continues our series about the five senses. Last week, I talked about the sense of sight. This week I’m talking about the sense of smell. No matter what type of business you have, these episodes will apply to you. The senses are all powerful and create memories the brain uses to make...
Nov 30, 2018
Did you know that the sense of sight has a huge impact on your business? About a quarter of our brains are involved in visual processing. This behavioral economics podcast is all about the sense of sight. I share the surprising truth about what percentage of the body’s sense receptors are in the eyes and why our...